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小说: 简爱(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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“That proves you have a wicked heart; and you must pray to God to change it: to give you a new and clean one: to take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh。”
I was about to propound a question; touching the manner in which that operation of changing my heart was to be performed; when Mrs。 Reed interposed; telling me to sit down; she then proceeded to carry on the conversation herself。
“Mr。 Brocklehurst; I believe I intimated in the letter which I wrote to you three weeks ago; that this little girl has not quite the character and disposition I could wish: should you admit her into Lowood school; I should be glad if the superintendent and teachers were requested to keep a strict eye on her; and; above all; to guard against her worst fault; a tendency to deceit。 I mention this in your hearing; Jane; that you may not attempt to impose on Mr。 Brocklehurst。”
Well might I dread; well might I dislike Mrs。 Reed; for it was her nature to wound me cruelly; never was I happy in her presence; however carefully I obeyed; however strenuously I strove to please her; my efforts were still repulsed and repaid by such sentences as the above。 Now; uttered before a stranger; the accusation cut me to the heart; I dimly perceived that she was already obliterating hope from the new phase of existence which she destined me to enter; I felt; though I could not have expressed the feeling; that she was sowing aversion and unkindness along my future path; I saw myself transformed under Mr。 Brocklehurst’s eye into an artful; noxious child; and what could I do to remedy the injury?
“Nothing; indeed;” thought I; as I struggled to repress a sob; and hastily wiped away some tears; the impotent evidences of my anguish。
“Deceit is; indeed; a sad fault in a child;” said Mr。 Brocklehurst; “it is akin to falsehood; and all liars will have their portion in the lake burning with fire and brimstone; she shall; however; be watched; Mrs。 Reed。 I will speak to Miss Temple and the teachers。”
“I should wish her to be brought up in a manner suiting her prospects;” continued my benefactress; “to be made useful; to be kept humble: as for the vacations; she will; with your permission; spend them always at Lowood。”
“Your decisions are perfectly judicious; madam;” returned Mr。 Brocklehurst。 “Humility is a Christian grace; and one peculiarly appropriate to the pupils of Lowood; I; therefore; direct that especial care shall be bestowed on its cultivation amongst them。 I have studied how best to mortify in them the worldly sentiment of pride; and; only the other day; I had a pleasing proof of my success。 My second daughter; Augusta; went with her mama to visit the school; and on her return she exclaimed: ‘Oh; dear papa; how quiet and plain all the girls at Lowood look; with their hair bed behind their ears; and their long pinafores; and those little holland pockets outside their frocks—they are almost like poor people’s children! and;’ said she; ‘they looked at my dress and mama’s; as if they had never seen a silk gown before。’”
“This is the state of things I quite approve;” returned Mrs。 Reed; “had I sought all England over; I could scarcely have found a system more exactly fitting a child like Jane Eyre。 Consistency; my dear Mr。 Brocklehurst; I advocate consistency in all things。”
“Consistency; madam; is the first of Christian duties; and it has been observed in every arrangement connected with the establishment of Lowood: plain fare; simple attire; unsophisticated acmodations; hardy and active habits; such is the order of the day in the house and its inhabitants。”
“Quite right; sir。 I may then depend upon this child being received as a pupil at Lowood; and there being trained in conformity to her position and prospects?”
“Madam; you may: she shall be placed in that nursery of chosen plants; and I trust she will show herself grateful for the inestimable privilege of her election。”
“I will send her; then; as soon as possible; Mr。 Brocklehurst; for; I assure you; I feel anxious to be relieved of a responsibility that was being too irksome。”
“No doubt; no doubt; madam; and now I wish you good morning。 I shall return to Brocklehurst Hall in the course of a week or two: my good friend; the Archdeacon; will not permit me to leave him sooner。 I shall send Miss Temple notice that she is to expect a new girl; so that there will he no difficulty about receiving her。 Good…bye。”
“Good…bye; Mr。 Brocklehurst; remember me to Mrs。 and Miss Brocklehurst; and to Augusta and Theodore; and Master Broughton Brocklehurst。”
“I will; madam。 Little girl; here is a book entitled the Child’s Guide; read it with prayer; especially that part containing ‘An account of the awfully sudden death of Martha G —; a naughty child addicted to falsehood and deceit。’”
With these words Mr。 Brocklehurst put into my hand a thin pamphlet sewn in a cover; and having rung for his carriage; he departed。
Mrs。 Reed and I were left alone: some minutes passed in silence; she was sewing; I was watching her。 Mrs。 Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame; square…shouldered and strong…limbed; not tall; and; though stout; not obese: she had a somewhat large face; the under jaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low; her chin large and prominent; mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque; her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell—illness never came near her; she was an exact; clever manager; her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only at times defied her authority and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well; and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire。
Sitting on a low stool; a few yards from her arm…chair; I examined her figure; I perused her features。 In my hand I held the tract containing the sudden death of the Liar; to which narrative my attention had been pointed as to an appropriate warning。 What had just passed; what Mrs。 Reed had said concerning me to Mr。 Brocklehurst; the whole tenor of their conversation; was recent; raw; and stinging in my mind; I had felt every word as acutely as I had heard it plainly; and a passion of resentment fomented now within me。
Mrs。 Reed looked up from her work; her eye settled on mine; her fingers at the same time suspended their nimble movements。
“Go out of the room; return to the nursery;” was her mandate。 My look or something else must have struck her as offensive; for she spoke with extreme though suppressed irritation。 I got up; I went to the door; I came back again; I walked to the window; across the room; then close up to her。
Speak I must: I had been trodden on severely; and must turn: but how? What strength had I to dart retaliation at my antagonist? I gathered my energies and launched them in this blunt sentence—
“I am not deceitful: if I were; I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed; and this book about the liar; you may give to your girl; Georgiana; for it is she who tells lies; and not I。”
Mrs。 Reed’s hands still lay on her work inactive: her eye of ice continued to dwell freezingly on mine。
“What more have you to say?” she asked; rather in the tone in which a person might address an opponent of adult age than such as is ordinarily used to a child。
That eye of hers; that voice stirred every antipathy I had。 Shaking from head to foot; thrilled with ungovernable excitement; I continued—
“I am glad you are no relation of mine: I will never call you aunt again as long as I live。 I will never e to see you when I am grown up; and if any one asks me how I liked you; and how you treated me; I will say the very thought of you makes me sick; and that you treated me with miserable cruelty。”
“How dare you affirm that; Jane Eyre?”
“How dare I; Mrs。 Reed? How dare I? Because it is the truth。 You think I have no feelings; and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you have no pity。 I shall remember how you thrust me back—roughly and violently thrust me back—into the red…room; and locked me up there; to my dying day; though I was in agony; though I cried out; while suffocating with distress; ‘Have mercy! Have mercy; Aunt Reed!’ And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck me—knocked me down for nothing。 I will tell anybody who asks me questions; this exact tale。 People think you a good woman; but you are bad; hard… hearted。 You are deceitful!”
Ere I had finished this reply; my soul began to expand; to exult; with the strangest sense of freedom; of triumph; I ever felt。 It seemed as if an invisible bond had burst; and that I had struggled out into unhoped…for liberty。 Not without cause was this sentiment: Mrs。 Reed looked frightened; her work had slipped from her knee; she was lifting up her hands; rocking herself to and fro; and even twisting her face as if she would cry。
“Jane; you are under a mistake: what is the matter with you? Why do you tremble so violently? Would you like to drink some water?”
“No; Mrs。 Reed。”
“Is there anything else you wish for; Jane? I assure you; I desire to be your friend。”
“Not you。 You told Mr。 Brocklehurst I had a bad character; a deceitful disposition; and I’ll let everybody at Lowood know what you are; and what you have done。”
“Jane; you don’t understand these things: children must be corrected for their faults。”
“Deceit is not my fault!” I cried out in a savage; high voice。
“But you are passionate; Jane; that you must allow: and now return to the nursery—there’s a dear—and lie down a little。”
“I am not your dear; I cannot lie down: send me to school soon; Mrs。 Reed; for I hate to live here。”
“I will indeed send her to school soon;” murmured Mrs。 Reed sotto voce; and gathering up her ent。
I was left there alone—winner of the field。 It was the hardest battle I had fought; and the first victory I had gained: I stood awhile on the rug; where Mr。 Brocklehurst had stood; and I enjoyed my conqueror’s solitude。 First; I smiled to myself and felt elate; but this fierce pleasure subsided in me as fast as did the accelerated throb of my pulses。 A child cannot quarrel with its elders; as I had done; cannot give its furious feelings uncontrolled play; as I had given mine; without experiencing afterwards the pang of remorse and the chill of reaction。 A ridge of lighted heath; alive; glancing; devouring; would have been a meet emblem of my mind when I accused and menaced Mrs。 Reed: the same ridge; black and blasted after the flames are dead; would have represented as meetly my subsequent condition; when half…an…hour’s silence and reflection had shown me the madness of my conduct; and the dreariness of my hated and hating position。
Something of vengeance I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic wine it seemed; on swallowing; warm and racy: its after…flavour; metallic and corroding; gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned。 Willingly would I now have gone and asked Mrs。 Reed’s pardon; but I knew; partly from experience and partly from instinct; that was the way to make her repulse 

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