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  • 大小:606K
  • 热度: 24
  • 推荐: 1
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-09-12


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Book 5 of the War of the Spider Queen seriesA Forgotten Realms novelBy Philip AthansFor DeanneAcknowledgements      The people who made this book and the others in this series possible are: Peter Archer, Mary Kirchoff, Matt Adelsperger, Liz Schuh, Mary-Elizabeth Allen, Rachel Kirkman, Angle Lokotz and her outstanding team, and the workflow masters Marty Durham and Josh Fischer.      Needless to say there would be no Book V without Books I, II, III, IV, and VI so I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the other Spider Queen authors: Richard Lee Byers, Thomas M. Reid, Richard Baker, Lisa Smedman, and Paul S. Kemp. Thanks to Elaine Cunningham for helping us with a particular continuity problem and Ed Greenwood for Creating the World in the first place. Brom, thank you for the cover paintings; masterpieces all. Thanks also to game designers Eric L. Boyd, Bruce R.. Cordell, Gwendolyn EM. Kestrel, and Jeff Quick for lots of fun new Underdark toys.      But most of all I have to thank R.A. Salva


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