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小说: 05_force_of_arms 字数: 每页4000字

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The preparations went quickly; the marriage became the center of existence for quite a few people。 They were sewing; cooking; decorating; the RDF personnel rehearsed their drills; and the engineers rigged the most special of special effects。

All the activity didn't go unnoticed。 In the alien armada; cold and merciless eyes watched the peculiar goings…on。 Fateful; dire decisions were near。


These letters pile up; Vince dear; perhaps to be read by you someday or perhaps not; but today especially I have to set down how full my heart is…more so than at any time since Roy was killed。
I heard Gloval murmuring something astounding while he was sitting in his mand chair: 〃Capulets and Montagues。〃 I thought he was going soft; heaven knows the rest of us have。 But when I looked at the clipboard he had been studying; it was an intel rundown on books Miriya had screened from the Central Data Bank while she was here…when she was hunting Max。 Shakespeare was there; of course。
I don't know what to think; except…damn it! We've got to change the ending this time!
Lt。 Claudia Grant; in a letter to her brother Vincent

The spectacular fireworks lit up the space all around the SDF…1。 It was only the beginning; but what a beginning。 The whole area was illuminated in bright colors; civilians and RDF people alike crowded every available viewport; oohing and ahing。

Then the fighting mecha appeared; to execute their part in things。 From the flight decks of the fortress and the two immense supercarriers that had been joined to it like stupendous metal forearms; Veritechs swarmed out to take up their places。

A broad; flat roadway of light; radiant in all the colors of the spectrum; sprang from the bow of the flattop Daedalus; like a shining runway。 The Veritechs zoomed out; retros flaring。

Excitement hit fever pitch all through the ship。 It was more than just the occasion of a wedding…even the first wedding that anyone could think of that had taken place in outer space。 There was something about the joining of a human and a Zentraedi that spoke directly to the humans' longing for peace and a return home。 It was a ray of hope that the terrible Robotech War might yet be ended short of catastrophe。

For Max and Miriya; it was simply the happiest day of their lives。 They came swooping out of the void in Max's VT fighter right on schedule; Max wearing his tux and sitting in the forward seat; piloting。 Miriya sat in the rear; making constant corrections to the fall of her wedding veil; the arrangement of her bridal bouquet。 She had won so many decorations for bravery and courage under fire; yet she found herself unable to stop trembling。

The VTs had gone into Battloid mode; looking like giant ultratech knights。 They positioned themselves in pairs; facing one another across the rainbow runway of light。 They lifted weapons; the long gray autocannon that had been used on other occasions to wage savage war on the Zentraedi。

Now; though; the weapons had been fitted to throw forth brilliant beams of light into reflective aerosols that had been misted around SDF…1 for just that purpose。 They shone like scores of crossed swords over the gleaming approach path。 Max flew his ship under the military salute at low speed as Miriya looked around at it open…mouthed; delighted beyond words。

The fighter set down on Daedalus's deck; and there were more mecha…the attack machines of the tactical corps ground units。 Monstrous Destroid cannon; Excaliburs; Raidar Xs; and the rest sent harmless beams to form a canopy overhead as Max taxied for the elevator that would lower his ship to the hangar deck。

Cameras were already tracking the VT; and close; total coverage was planned for every portion of the ceremonies。 Max and Miriya didn't mind; they wanted everybody to share in their total joy。

But not everyone did。

Breetai; the mountainous mander of the Zentraedi armada; gazed into the projecbeam image from intercepted SDF…1 signals。 〃This is the oddest Micronian custom we've observed yet; is it not; Exedore? Can you explain to me what Miriya Parino is doing?〃

What she was doing was evident: She was walking slowly next to a blue…haired human; dressed in a rather elaborate and inconvenient…looking outfit; clutching what appeared to be a handful of plants。

She was also clinging to the Micronian's arm; causing Exedore to speculate that perhaps she had been wounded in the leg or fallen ill。 Although she didn't look ill; she looked…Exedore didn't know what that expression on her face could mean。

Breetai gazed at the image。 He was a creature who would have had no trouble passing for a Micronian himself; except that he was some sixty feet tall。 Terrible wounds received in battle against the Invid species; implacable enemies of the Zentraedi; had left him with a glittering metal half cowl covering the right side of his skull; the eye replaced by a shining crystal。

Next to him was Exedore; a hunched and fragile…looking Zentraedi; far smaller than Exedore…almost a dwarf by the standards of his race。 But within Exedore's big; misshapen skull was most of the accumulated lore and knowledge of his kind and a mind that Breetai relied upon heavily。

Exedore's bulging; lidless; pinpoint…pupilled eyes were fixed on the projecbeam image of the wedding; too。 〃Your Excellency; if I am not mistaken; she is getting ‘married。'〃

They were standing in Breetai's mand station; overlooking the vast bridge of his colossal flagship。 The flagship; nine solid miles of weapons; shields; and armor; was in a state of disrepair after its furious engagements with the SDF…1 and the RDF mecha。 The transparent bubble surrounding the mand station had been shattered; only jagged pieces of it remained around the frame。

Zentraedi were warriors; not slaves or drudges; they had little taste for anything that smacked of mon toil; and even less talent for it。 Those predjudices were approved of and reinforced by their Robotech Masters; without the Masters; the Zentraedi would sooner or later find themselves without functioning tools of war。

Exedore explained; 〃According to my research; it is a condition in which male and female Micronians live together。〃

Breetai was stunned。 His harsh; guttural bass voice filled the mand station。 〃Live together? Miriya Parino and this puny Micronian male?〃

〃Correct; m'lord。〃

But for what reason? The towering Zentraedi warlord; master of a cloned race that didn't know love; family; or sex; tried to imagine what the purpose could be; why male and female might conceivably desire such intimacy。 But when he tried; he was assailed by waves of distaste and confusion; by nameless half…seen visions that made him physically ill。 He shunted the images aside。

Breetai lowered himself into his enormous mand chair; still considering the import of the wedding。 〃It seems she's taking this spying mission of hers very seriously。 Perhaps more seriously than she should。〃

His first conclusion was that Miriya the dedicated fighter was simply undergoing the tremendous torment of such behavior to infiltrate the enemy and learn the perverse secrets of their obscene social practices。 But Breetai saw something in Miriya's face; something that made the towering mander doubt this analysis。

It was like the three spies; Konda; Rico; and Bron; all over again。 Breetai felt a certain dread。 〃Unless my senses deceive me; it would seem she's enjoying herself in some peculiar fashion。 Could it be that she too has found the Micronian way of life too enjoyable to resist?〃

Exedore answered; 〃It would appear; sir; that she cannot resist the charm of that Micronian pilot。〃

Breetai had seen kissing demonstrated when he captured Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes。 He shuddered; recalling the disgusting display; and wondered how any intelligent creature could bring itself to indulge in such baseness。

But the lure of the humans was undeniable; scores of Zentraedi soldiers had secretly conspired to undergo micronization and had gone to live among their former foes。 It was the first such mutiny ever to have taken place in the history of the warrior race。 Part of the madness had to do with the young human female Minmei and the oddly hypnotic power called 〃singing〃 that she exercised。

〃Our forces may be in more jeopardy than we believed;〃 Exedore said。 〃What if the traitors who went over to the human side were not merely mental defectives; as we thought; but rather the first wave in a sea of such deserters?〃

Breetai rubbed his huge jaw; the one giant black eyebrow lowering。 〃It appears this ‘love' business is a very powerful thing。〃

Exedore replied; 〃I'm afraid I agree with you; sir。 It's an emotional factor against which we Zentraedi have no defense。 This ‘love' could be used as a powerful weapon against us。〃

Breetai scowled at the image of laughing; joyous humans; of the radiantly happy Miriya and proud; smiling Max。 〃Weapon; eh?〃

〃Yes。 We must beware。〃

The intercepted coverage of the wedding showed them flashbulbs popping and people applauding as Max and Miriya cut their cake。 The wedding cake was a tenfoot…high model of the SDF…1 in its knightlike Attack mode。

Breetai; growling in his rumbling bass; watched the proceedings angrily。 What was there about the blissful looks of Miriya and the Micronian that exerted such a fascination; such a deep pull; on him? He told himself that it was only a mander's need to study a dangerous enemy; refusing to believe that he could feel such a thing as envy for the puny foe。

At the reception; the master of ceremonies was calling for quiet。

〃Ladies and gentlemen; today is a very special day。 It's more than just a wedding celebration; it's the bonding of two souls dedicated to the protection of our Robotech colony。 I'd like to introduce the man who's done so much to make this a unique occasion; the mander of the SDF…1; Captain Henry Gloval!〃

There was plenty of applause even though people were still passing around cake and freshening up their champagne after the several toasts that had been drunk。

Gloval stood up; decked out in his dress uniform; laden with medals; braid; and campaign ribbons galore。 Rick; who knew the captain a little better than most people there; got the impression that they were going to find out why he had spared nothing to turn the wedding into a major occasion。

Gloval spoke。 〃Well; to begin with; I extend heartfelt congratulations to Max and Miriya。 This wedding carries with it a great historical significance。

〃As you all know; Miriya was a Zentraedi warrior who destroyed many of our ships。 She es from a culture that we have grown to fear and hate。〃

Oh; no! Rick thought。 What could Gloval be thinking of? Miriya sat rigid as a statue; staring down at her plate。 Max was white。 The gathered guests were listening in stunned silence。

〃It is the Zentraedi who have caused our present situation;〃 Gloval pressed on。 〃They alone prevent our return to Earth…our homes and our beloved families。〃 One hand was balled into a fist now。 〃It is they who have caused injury; destruction; and endless suffering!〃

〃Captain; please!〃 Max burst out; just at the same moment that Rick yelled; 〃Captain!〃

Gloval forged ahead。 〃Now; I know what you're thinking: ‘Why is he choosing this time

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