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小说: 05_force_of_arms 字数: 每页4000字

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The secret of popping the enemy pods without killing anyone within was made easier to share because the small; vulnerable ponent was located behind and slightly below the leg juncture。 This made it easy and even fun for the VT fighter jocks to tell each other where to shoot and to vie with each other at making perfect shots。

The structures were also located in a spot difficult for the pods to defend。 The VTs had never concentrated on that place before because most of that area was heavily armored and the target in question was so small。

But once they knew what they were after; the VT pilots began enthusiastic; almost crazed disabling runs。 Pods got their fundaments blown out from under them by VTs on long passes; predatory banks; high deflection shots。 One guy on Ghost Team got three in one pass。

But the pods had closed in tightly around the SDF…1 as the alien battlewagons came up behind。 The dimensional fortress shook to a ferocious blast of concentrated fire。

〃Captain; our number two thruster's been damaged;〃 Vanessa said。

Gloval gritted his teeth; saying nothing; he knew it was going to get worse。

The Zentraedi officer dashed angrily into the ready…room hatchway; furious when he saw that the crew there had not even so much as donned their armor。

〃Lord Breetai mands that you prepare to attack!〃 he roared。

One crewmember was standing by a viewport; looking out at the starlit darkness; holding a tiny Minmei doll in his palm; small as a pea in his giant hand。

〃So beautiful yet so small;〃 he whispered to himself in his rumbling voice as the others looked over his shoulder。 He thought of her songs again; and the memory filled him with longings no Zentraedi career could ever answer。 He closed his enormous fingers gently around the doll。

The officer bawled; 〃You're all in direct violation of Lord Dolza's orders! Report to battle stations at once; or I'll have you all court…martialed!〃

They were Zentraedi beguiled by the songs and peace talk of humans; but they were still Zentraedi; with the pent…up fury of their race。 One whirled on the officer; bringing up an assault rifle; clacking off its safety。

〃What did you say?〃

Others turned; weapons clacking; and the officer found himself staring into a half dozen rifle muzzles and then a dozen。 〃Don't be insane!〃 he screamed。 〃Think of what you're doing!〃

〃It doesn't matter what you say;〃 one of them told him icily。 〃We aren't fighting anymore。 We have friends on that ship。 We have vows we've sworn with those friends; sacred warrior oaths。 We won't attack them; that's where we draw the line。 Now; leave!〃

He threw the rifle to his shoulder; bracketing the officer in his sights; finger tightening on the trigger。 The officer gave a yowl and disappeared from the partment hatchway; boots echoing on the deck。

The warriors stood listening; lowering their weapons。 〃Look at him run; like a trog with his tail between his ears;〃 one said; laughing。

Breetai spun on Exedore。 〃What? It's mutiny!〃

〃Your Excellency; a large number of our best pilots will not leave the mother craft。 They refuse to acknowledge that the order was given! Mutiny in time of battle is a thing that has never happened before in Zentraedi history。〃

Although; he added to himself; those warnings from the ancients must have had a basis。 If they're right; we face disaster!

〃But…with all respect…they have some justification;〃 Exedore went on。

Breetai glowered down at him。 〃There is no rationale for mutiny!〃

〃But you know there are Zentraedi on the battle fortress。 And now they know; too。 To attack their own is a direct violation of the laws that bind us together as rades in arms…〃


〃And then there is this baffling new tactic of the enemy; disabling our pods rather than destroying them; sparing our warriors when they could more easily have killed them。 Some pod manders in the attack force are preparing to turn on their fellows if the attack isn't broken off…〃

Breetai turned and strode away。 〃Exedore…〃

Exedore hurried his shorter strides to catch up。 〃And the transmissions from the wedding…〃

Breetai stopped and pivoted instantly。 〃I said enough!〃 His boulderlike fist hung near Exedore's face; clenched so tight that the huge knuckles and tendons creaked loudly; trembling with Breetai's anger。 Exedore fell silent。

After several long seconds; Breetai retracted the fist almost unwillingly but regained control of himself。 He started walling again; the overhead lights gleaming off his polished skullplate and crystal eye; Exedore followed meekly。

〃Stop your blathering;〃 Breetai rumbled。 〃I'm aware of the situation。 Issue the order to withdraw immediately! Recall all Zentraedi mecha。〃

Exedore halted; mouth agape。 〃Yes; sir; but that is in direct disobedience of the Zentraedi High mand…of Dolza's own orders!〃

Breetai stormed on his way; neither looking back nor answering。

On the SDF…1's bridge; no one quite knew how to take it。

〃It's a miracle;〃 was all Sammie could say。

〃Yes; we're very lucky;〃 Gloval said softly; sitting in his mand chair。 Could it have to do with the wedding? Did it work?

Claudia began calling the Veritechs home。

The newlyweds had received generous offers of living quarters in crowded Macross City; even from some who could ill afford the space。 But there was no question of staying so far from the fighter bays while the current emergency remained。

Ship's engineers had hurriedly taken out the partition between two adjoining partments to give the Sterlings a small connubial bower: a living room…kitchenette and a tiny bedroom。 There hadn't; however; been time to soundproof it; that would have to wait until the next work shift。

So Rick Hunter lay in his bunk; head pillowed on hands; listening to the muffled turmoil in the kitchenette on the other side of the bulkhead。

〃Max; why is it on fire?〃 came Miriya's voice。 〃Is this another weird human recipe?〃

〃Uh; honey; get out of the way; I'll put it out;〃 Max yelped; and there was the gush of a small fire extinguisher。 Rick didn't hear the ship's main fire…fighting systems cut in and concluded that Max had gotten it。

〃Strange; strange day;〃 Rick sighed。

He caught snatches of their conversation without meaning to。 What had she done? Just used a dash of that liquid; the cooking oil。 Nothing on the bottle said it shouldn't be used in the coffeepot。

Max would be perfectly willing to do all the cooking for a while; Miriya insisted that she wanted to do her share。 That was what rades in arms and lifelong mates did; she insisted。

After a bit longer; they were both giggling and the hatch to the bedroom closed。 Rick slugged his pillow like he was in a title fight; then threw his head against the mattress and pulled the pillow over it。

I hope they'll be happy; he forced himself to think。 Then he found himself thinking about Minmei; and of Lisa; and then of Claudia; grieving for Roy Fokker…so brave; stronger than Rick would be in her place。

Roy had tried to tell him something once; something the original Skull Leader had discovered during the course of his tempestuous love affair with Claudia Grant。

Before you can love someone; you have to like them。

The thought came into Rick's mind unbidden; along with the image of long; light brown hair and a slender form…a quick; disciplined mind and a mitment to a set of beliefs that Rick found mare worthy every day。 And…there was the remembrance of a kiss before alien captors; a kiss that had been so much more than he had expected and had haunted him since。

I like Lisa; maybe I even…

He tossed on his bunk; head on top of his pillow now; staring out at space through his cabin's viewports。 Next door there was still silence。

In a few moments he was blinking tiredly before he could sort out just what it was he felt。

I'm so beat。 I feel like just…

He fell asleep with Lisa's face before him。


Khyron was always different from the rest of us; and the ways of the Micronians held some dark fascination for him; however much he fought it。
But the Micronians are mad! Is it any wonder this drove him over the brink; so that as he perceived it his only relief was to liquidate them all?

〃Alien vessel; battleship class; sir。〃 Vanessa said tightly from her monitoring station on the bridge。

This time Gloval was ready。 〃Prepare to fire main cannon! Lock all tracking systems to target!〃

In the respite that had followed the last attack; engineers had pleted retrofitting and new installation。 At long last; the SDF…1 had been brought into Attack mode without major damage to Macross City and acpanying loss of life。

The ship could use its fearsome main gun in this configuration; standing like a monumental armored gladiator in space with the two tremendous supercarriers held out like menacing forearms。

〃All systems go; booms now moving into position;〃 Claudia said in clipped tones。 The booms had stood like hours above the fortress; now; brute servomotors swung them down so that they pointed out straight from both of the ship's huge; bulky shoulder structures。

〃Main gun standing by to fire on your mand; Captain;〃 the message was patched in from engineering。 Claudia couldn't help but wish Lisa were back (on the bridge。 The Terrible Trio and the other techs were good and were doing the best they could; but nobody except perhaps Dr。 Lang knew as much about the ship as Lisa。

Sammie watched the preparations; wide…eyed。 〃I bet this is a trick or something;〃 she declared in her young; breathless voice。 〃A Trojan horse!〃

Kim spared a moment from her own problems to gaze at Sammie dubiously。 〃Trojan horse? They know we'd never fall for that! Where on Earth would you get an idea like that from?〃

〃The Trojan War! Besides; that's the way it always happens in the movies。〃

For two years now; they've been trying to wipe us out; and she still thinks about movies! Kim groaned to herself and went back to her job; resolving to slug Sammie later。

Sammie said with high acrimony; 〃Okay; if you've got a better theory; let's hear it!〃

Vanessa cut through the squabble。

〃Captain;〃 Vanessa said; 〃I have a message ing in in cleartext from the alien ship。〃

Gloval came halfway out of the mand chair。 〃What?〃 He tried not to let himself hope too much。

〃They're asking permission to approach the SDF…1。 Shall I put it up on the monitor; Captain?〃

Gloval grunted approval; and Vanessa plied。 Suddenly; Sammie's flight of fantasy didn't sound so zany。

〃I say again: We are sending an unarmed ship to dock with your battle fortress。 We request a cessation of hostilities。 Please hold your fire。〃

The enemy flagship drew near at dead…slow speed; straight into the line of fire of the main gun。 The battleship might be nine solid miles of supertech mayhem; but surely by now the Zentraedi knew that it would be as defenseless as a helium blimp before the holocaust blast those massive booms could generate。

〃Let them e;〃 Gloval told Claudia。 〃But stand ready to fire。〃

Claudia flipped up the red safety cover with her thumb; exposing the trigger of the main gun。 Sweating; she watched the battlewagon close in; ready to fire the instant Gloval gave the order but forcing herself to be calm。 She was u

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